Is Soybean Keto Friendly?

Keto or ketogenic diet requires food that is low in carb and high in fat. Not only fat and carbs but also a sufficient amount of protein is needed. It is mainly used for weight loss.

However, people follow this diet to cure a few diseases too. There are different kinds of keto diets. People should choose their one according to weight and health conditions.

When I was on the keto diet 1 year ago, I had so many difficulties for a lack of information. But now I know this diet is effective if you maintain properly what your doctor or nutritionist suggests.

Doctors suggest the keto diet primarily to type 2 diabetic patients as the keto diet helps reduce glucose levels of blood. However, people who don’t have diabetes also follow this diet.

Can you eat soybean during the keto diet? Is soybean keto friendly? Well, I have got the answer to help you out.

Is soybean keto friendly

Nutritional Value Of Soybean

Before answering the question is soybean keto-friendly or not, you should know its nutritional value.

Soybeans Are Low In Carbs

As we know, keto is a low-carb dietary plan. Soybean contains significantly less amount of carbohydrates. The kind of carbohydrate that soybean has is called complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbs are rich in fiber. It also helps with muscle growth. If we calculate, 100 grams of boiled soybean contain 9.9 grams of carbs.

Contains Fat

Fat is vital for our body. However, High fat can also be responsible for various diseases.

Soybeans are not high in fat. But these contain an ample amount of dietary fat.

Dietary fats keep the body energetic. Also, it is helpful to protect the organs of the body.

People commonly make a mistake while dieting. The error is completely deleting fat from regular food. It can harm the body like nothing else.

The Keto diet is not about removing the fat from the food chart. So, is soybean keto friendly?

The answer will be ‘yes’ here. A report by USDA (United states department of agriculture) says 100 grams of boiled soybeans contain 9 grams of fat.

Excellent Source Of Protein

Many people are not fond of or allergic to animal protein. Soybean can be an excellent substitute for animal protein. It means vegan people can consume soybeans without any hesitation.

Another good news is that soybean contains all nine vital amino acids, isoleucine, histidine, lysine, leucine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, and valine. These amino acids are essential for the complete nutrition of the body.

However, some reports claim that soybeans do not contain sufficient methionine. But it does have other amino acids so well.

Soybean protein is inexpensive and has high nutritional values. Coming to the part of the calculation: 100 grams of soybean that are cooked contains 12.35 grams of protein.

High In Potassium

We generally know banana is a good source of potassium. But the interesting fact is that 100 grams of soybeans contain more potassium than 100 grams of banana.

One hundred grams of banana has 358 mg of potassium. In contrast, 100 grams of soybeans contain 620 mg of potassium.

Varieties Of Soybean

There is a wide variety of Soybean available. All of the types are not the same in nutritional values. Here we have listed some:

Green Soybeans

green beans

Green soybeans are also called Edamame. Edamame is immature soybeans. These are picked before they fully ripen.

Green soybeans or Edamame are an excellent source of healthy fiber, vitamin k, and antioxidants.

It helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Moreover, it is beneficial for healthy skin and builds a robust immune system. One hundred grams of Edamame beans contain 8.9 grams of carb, 5.2 grams of fat, and 12 grams of protein.

Shelled Edamame

shelled edamame

Edamame is a kind of soybean that is picked at a young period. Shelled Edamame is Edamame without pods.

It is also called Mukimame. One hundred grams of shelled Edamame contain 6.30 grams of fat, 4.50 grams of carbs, and 11 grams of protein.

Yellow Soybeans

yellow soybeans

Yellow soybeans are used in making soy milk, tofu, tamari, and tempeh. The soy flour we use for baking is made of yellow soybean. One hundred grams of yellow soybean contain 6.4 grams of fat, 12.35 grams of protein, and 11.05 grams of carbohydrates.

Black Soybeans

black soybeans

Black soybeans, also known as Japanese black beans, are very effective in preventing cancer, heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, etc. It also alleviates depression.

Black soybeans are also called Kuromame. Now coming into the nutrition facts: 130 grams (1/2 cup) of black soybeans contain 11 grams of protein, 6 grams of fat, 7 grams of fiber, and 8 grams of carbohydrates.

How Soybean Is Processed?

Processed soybeans are extremely bad for health. If artificial colors are added to soybeans, it will reduce the freshness and degenerate the amino acids. There are four steps of soybean processing.

how soybean is processed

The first step is dehulling. After that, the second step is extraction. In this step, solvents are used for washing the soybean oil from soybean flakes.

Then comes the action that is desolventizing. Flakes that are desolventizing are also a product available in the market and a healthy source of protein.

The final step comes in making edible oils. Oils are refined at first to improve their stability, color, odor, etc.

The healthiest form of soybean is when it remains unprocessed. Soybeans free from any harmful ingredient or chemicals contain the highest nutritional value. Soy foods that are minimally processed, like tofu, Edamame, yogurts, soy milk, etc., are better than processed ones.

Healthy And Keto Friendly Soy Foods

healthy and keto friendly soy foods

The healthiest and most nutritious form of soybean is when it is unprocessed. Soy foods such as tofu, soy milk, tempeh, soy nuts, soy yogurt, tamari, miso, etc. These soy foods are more healthy, high in protein, and delicious to have as a meal.

So, again the question comes is soybean keto friendly? Well, All the soy foods are keto-friendly, and so, soybean is also keto-friendly.

Health Benefits Of Soybean

Soybean is a complete protein. It is also a great source of calcium, iron, zinc, fiber, and other vitamins. Soybean is also beneficial for preventing and decreasing the risk of different numerous diseases:

Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Many studies and reports say that soybeans or soyfoods help to reduce LDL- low-density lipoprotein (harmful) cholesterol levels. It also helps to increase HDL- high-density lipoprotein (good) cholesterol.

Soy foods that are minimally processed, such as tofu, tempeh, and Edamame, significantly help for improving cholesterol levels more than processed ones.

Manages Type 2 Diabetes

Doctors often suggest eating soybean to type 2 diabetes patients. An excellent diet for diabetes patients should combine those foods rich in vitamins and fiber and low in carbohydrates.

Soybean helps to manage blood sugar levels. It is also valuable for decreasing excess body fat.

Obesity is common in developed and developing countries. Multiple studies suggest that soybean plays a vital role in reducing obesity.

Necessary For Pregnancy

Soybean contains folic acid and vitamin B complexes that are essential for pregnant women. It is also helpful for the development of the fetus. Pregnant women should take enough quantity of soybeans during their pregnancy journey.

Cardiovascular Disease

In the United States, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of death. This disease is also common in Asia. Studies say that a 2 percent risk of heart disease lowers when a 1 percent of cholesterol reduction happens.

Soy foods high in polyunsaturated fat and low in saturated fat help reduce cholesterol levels. So, soybeans play a vital role in decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Fights Against Cancer

The essential antioxidants in soybeans help fight against several types of cancer, such as breast cancer, gastric cancer, prostate cancer, etc. It removes free radicals from your body and kills the cells that cause cancer development.

Improves Fertility

Soybean is a well-known plant-based protein. Some studies claim that soybean contains estrogen, while it is partially true.

Soy contains phytoestrogens that act in the same way as estrogen. Phytoestrogens are also found in fruits like berries and pears.

Excessive levels of estrogen in men’s bodies can affect libido. However, reports show that a moderate amount of phytoestrogens can provide many health benefits.

Improves Bone Health

People are often seen to be taking expensive supplements for improving bone health. But soybean is a great source and cost-friendly in improving bone density. Moreover, it helps prevent osteoporosis.

Alleviate Menopause Symptoms

We all know menopause is the time in a woman’s life when menstruation gets stopped. Symptoms such as excessive sweating, mood swings, and hot flashes begin to happen, which reduce estrogen levels. Soy-based foods contain isoflavones.

Isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogen. Isoflavones are very effective in reducing hot flashes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can diabetic patients eat soybean?

Of course, they can. Soybean helps to decrease blood sugar levels and also cholesterol levels. Doctors often recommend including soybeans in the food chart, especially for type 2 diabetic patients.

2. Does soybean increase weight?  

Well, some soy foods are high in calories. So, taking high calories may increase weight. But if soy foods are consumed in moderate amounts, it will not improve weight but will help keep you healthy.

3. Does eating soybean give energy?

Soybean is a plant-based protein and also an excellent substitute for animal protein. We all know protein keeps us energetic. So, the answer is yes.

4. Does soybean have any side effects?

Despite all the nutritional values of soybeans, it has some side effects too. Some people may have a soy allergy and should avoid soybeans and soy foods. Eating soybeans in moderate quantities every day will not harm you.

However, excessive consumption can be proved harmful. It may cause constipation, nausea, imbalance of testosterone, bloating, etc.

5. Is soybean high in calories?

No, soybean is not high in calories. One hundred grams (3.5 ounces) of soybeans contain 173 calories. But it is better not to consume in excess quantity always.

6. What kind of soybeans is more keto-friendly?

All kinds of soybeans are good enough for a keto or ketogenic diet. But green beans and black soybeans have more nutritious values and are also keto-friendly.

7. How many soybeans should I consume per day in keto?

It depends on the diet plan you have. Diet plans are made based on height, weight, work time in a day, workouts, etc.

As discussed above, 100 grams of soybean contain 173 calories. So, you should include soybeans in your diet by measuring the calories you have to consume per day.

8. Is soybean high in fiber?

Yes, soybean is high in fiber. The fiber in it is called dietary fiber. One hundred grams of soybeans contain 6 grams of dietary fiber.

Final Thoughts

In east Asia, soybeans or soya beans have been consumed. It is comparatively lower in carbs but rich in protein, fiber, and minerals than other beans.

However, people who are gluten sensitive should try to avoid it. Other than that, people of all ages can easily consume soybeans.

Doctors do not recommend maintaining a keto diet for a more extended period. But is soybean keto friendly? Yes, soybeans are keto-friendly. So, keto diet maintainers can eat them throughout their diet.

Also, many recipes are available for tasty soybeans, such as Instant pot soybeans curry, masala soybeans, chili soya, etc. But you must measure the calories first.

Hey there. I am a registered doctor and founder of this site. The main goal of this site is to help individuals with good food habits, diet, and nutrition. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, exploring different food recipes and diets.

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