Is Apricot Keto Friendly?

I love the color of this fruit. The beautiful peach color of the apricot always attracts me. There must be very few people who do not like apricots.

I have no shame in sharing this, but I always thought apricot was my childhood’s little version of peach. Later I realized that an apricot is a relative or someone from a peach family. So I was not mistaken.

Every summer, I have to make an apricot jam. My younger daughter is a die-hard fan of this. She cries if I do not make it.

Keto macros are an obstacle for me everywhere. However, being a strict keto maintainer, I can not eat anything I like. Is apricot keto friendly?

I know health magazines and google can help you find this answer. But after a lot of research regarding these issues, I think my opinion can be worth sharing. So here you go.

is apricot keto friendly

Nutritional Values Of Apricot

My diet instructor once gave me an idea to find out whether a food is a keto or not. The idea is to know the nutritional values of the food first. Why is it important to know?

We mean the number of carbs, protein, fat, other vitamins, and minerals in that food by nutritional values. There must be some restrictions on carbs or fat intake in every different diet plan. As an example, the keto diet limits your carbs intake.

You will learn about the acceptability of your favorite dish or fruit or vegetable in keto after knowing how many carbs or fat it contains. That is why I say nutritional values clear out everything.

Before jumping into apricot’s nutritional values, let me give you information about the standard and low-carb ketogenic diets. Even though both are considered keto diets, there are slight differences between them.

nutritional values of apricot

Primarily, the keto diet is about high fat, extremely low carbs, and a moderate amount of protein. Fat, protein, and carbs have to be in the ratio of 7:2:1. This is a standard ketogenic diet (SKD).

Now comes about the low-carb ketogenic diet. Well, the standard ketogenic and low-carb ketogenic diet is almost the same. You can increase the carbs intake a little in a low-carb ketogenic diet.

In a low-carb ketogenic diet, your carb consumption can be around 20-50 grams a day. On a standard ketogenic diet, it has to be lesser than that. But in both diets, you must limit your protein intake.

There are more varieties of keto. But these two will help you to understand the review furthermore.

So, is apricot keto friendly? Let’s see what nutrients tell us.


Apricots are high in carbs. One hundred grams of apricots contain 9.2 grams of carbs. So it is good to avoid apricots in excessive amounts during the keto diet.

You can have it moderately if you are following the low-carb ketogenic diet. Overall calorie measurement for each day should be based on your height, weight, workout history, food habits, etc. Use a keto macros calculator to measure your everyday carb intake.

It is nearly impossible to include apricot in the standard ketogenic diet. Dried apricots are comparatively higher in carbs than non-dried ones. So make sure to get rid of eating dried apricots as a snack while on a keto.

There are so many apricot jam fans around the world, including me. Those who are on keto should know that approximately 13 grams of carbs are in one tablespoon of apricot jam. Fresh apricots can be better than dried ones or apricot jam for keto maintainers.


Unlike other diets, keto requires fatty foods. According to the macronutrient ratio, 70% of fat is the requirement for keto. Through this, we know that most foods should contain more fat than any other nutrients. Apricots are not rich in fat.

Healthy fats are always great for the body. Apricot contains healthy fat, obviously, but the quantity is low. One hundred grams of apricots contain just 0.4 grams of fat, which does not make this fruit keto friendly.


Apricot is a plant-based protein. A protein sourced from plants makes it eatable for vegetarians. Fresh apricots are great for salads, salsas, and even as a snack.

Now, if we come to the keto friendly part, apricots are not the best source of protein. One fresh apricot has 0.5 grams of protein in it.

One hundred grams of dried apricots contain 3.4 grams of protein. But, is apricot keto friendly? According to the protein calculation, it can be.


Apricots are loaded with vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamin A, also known as retinol, helps improve eye health. One hundred grams of apricots contain 1926 IU of vitamin A.

The human body is unable to produce one of the essential vitamins. Vitamin that people should include in their diet every other day is vitamin C. This adequate vitamin helps the body to fight against harmful bacteria and viruses.

Mostly, green and leafy vegetables are high in vitamin C. Surprisingly apricots, be the dry or fresh ones, contain a high amount of vitamin C.


I must say that adults do not consume the required amount of potassium every day. That is why diseases due to potassium deficiency are seen. Hypokalemia is called potassium deficiency.

High potassium is mainly found in vegetables and fruits. There are so many health benefits of potassium, such as: preventing osteoporosis, lowering blood pressure, alleviating salt sensitivity, etc.

It depends on a person’s daily activity and health condition of how much potassium they consume in a day. For instance, athletes must consume more than an average person as they lose potassium because of excessive sweat.

Apricots will be on the list of high potassium-containing fruits. One hundred grams of apricots have 259 milligrams of potassium. Another interesting fact is that apricots have more potassium than bananas.


Apricots contain a good amount of dietary fiber. Both soluble and insoluble fibers are present in apricots.

A cup of fresh apricots has 3.3 grams of fiber. On the other hand, a half-cup of dried apricots contains 4.8 grams of fiber.

Are Apricots Keto Friendly?

Apricots are partially keto friendly fruit that can be enjoyed in moderation on the ketogenic diet. However, all you need to avoid the dried version of apricots as it has higher carbs and calories that can kick you out of ketosis.

Health Benefits Of Apricot

health benefits of apricot

Apricots are also called Armenian plums. These originally belonged to China unless the Persians discovered them. This peach-looking fruit is popular in both raw and cooked forms.

Globally people love dried apricots so much. The Health benefits of apricots are also many. They are:

Great For Heart

As I have already said, this fruit is rich in fiber and helps lower the bad cholesterol level in the body. Besides that, it increases the level of good cholesterol. Apricot has potassium that helps to balance the electrolyte level.

People, especially in developing countries, mostly die from heart diseases. It is not unknown that heart diseases are in dire condition worldwide. Two pieces of fresh apricots every day can prevent this.

Strengthens Bones

Minerals essential for stronger bones are calcium, manganese, copper, iron, etc. All of these necessary minerals are present in apricots. One hundred grams of apricots contain 13 milligrams of calcium, 0.4 milligrams of iron, and 0.1 milligrams of copper.

As we age, our bones become weak. So age-related bone diseases wait for us. Consuming apricots daily can help to prevent those diseases.

Boosts Metabolism

Potassium and sodium are two essential minerals responsible for fluid levels in the whole body. The presence of high potassium in apricots helps to maintain the level. Proper electrolyte balance throughout the body will help you gain more energy and decrease cramping.

Apricot Oil For Earache

A commonly known home remedy is using apricot oil for aching ear problems. I remember my grandmother always suggested I use apricot oil whenever I had any problem with my ears. However, there are not many reports to prove it in medical science.

Treatment For Skin Diseases

Skin diseases like eczema, rashes, psoriasis, etc., can be treated with bitter apricot oil. This oil contains GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) from omega-6 and some essential vitamins like B1, B2, B6, etc.

Cures Anemia

Dried apricots are favorite to people of every age as a snack. It is a significant source of copper and iron. Doctors always emphasize the matter of iron intake to prevent anemia.

Due to iron deficiency, you can suffer from fatigue, digestion problems, general metabolic dysfunction, etc. Regular consumption of dried apricots can upgrade iron levels in the body.

But some people can be allergic to dried apricots as sulfite is present in them. Asthma patients should be careful because it may lead to an asthma attack.

Aid Diabetes

Apricots are low in both calories and carbs. One hundred grams of apricots contain only 48 calories. What else can be good news for diabetes patients?

High fiber in apricots helps to reduce blood sugar levels. Moreover, this fruit is a good source of vitamin E that works as an antioxidant for improving blood sugar levels.

Good For Improving Vision

In childhood, we all read that vitamin A is an essential vitamin for eye health. Vision loss mainly occurs for the scarcity of this particular vitamin.

In part about the nutritional value, I have already mentioned that apricots are a great source of vitamin A. It also contains carotenoids, and this element is effective in curing age-related vision problems.

Effective For Glowing Skin

High-end cosmetic brands use apricot extracts to make scrubs. These scrubs work great for removing dead skin cells from the skin. It also helps to reduce pigmentation and leaves healthy skin.

You can make DIY homemade scrub at home with apricot oil and sugar. Using this scrub religiously will reduce blackheads as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I consume dried apricots during pregnancy?

Dried apricots are great to have during pregnancy to solve digestive problems. Even for the development of fetal bones, dried apricots are beneficial.

2. Does apricot help with weight loss?

As apricots are low in calories, they are suitable for low-carb diets and weight loss. These will keep the stomach fuller for a long time. Nutritionists also suggest eating apricots for sweet cravings.

3. Can liver patients eat apricots?

Apricots are full of antioxidants. These essential antioxidants help prevent liver damage. The risk of liver steatosis can be reduced by eating apricots regularly.

4. Does apricot work for anti-aging?

Apricot oil works wonderfully to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It also helps to lighten and brighten the skin. Thus, apricots are amazing for anti-aging.

5. Can I be allergic to apricots?

It is rare to have allergic issues with dried fruits. But many people are allergic to fresh vegetables and fruits. Some mild syndromes can be seen, such as oral issues, anaphylaxis, etc.

6. Are apricots hydrating?

Apricots are hydrating when they are fresh. Dried apricots contain less water content than fresh ones. A cup of apricots contains around 2/3 cups of water.

7. Is apricot helpful for hair growth?

Some people usually tend to grow hair slowly. They can be benefited by using apricot oil on the scalp. It also prevents hair loss.

8. Does apricot prevent cancer?

Apricot seeds are known as a treatment for cancer. Practical elements in this help to fight against cancer.

Final Thoughts

Apricots can be eaten raw using salads and make salad tasty for its lightly tangy flavor. This fleshy yellowish-orange fruit also tastes delicious while it is cooked. These are also known as stone fruits.

Though apricots look similar to peaches, there are a few dissimilarities between them. Nutrients in apricots are higher than in peaches. A study of Spanish has shown it as a diabetes fruit.

I love to eat apricots with greek yogurt sometimes. This combination seems excellent to me as breakfast. My family members love to have bread with apricot jam as a perfect breakfast.

Now there is a warning for eating excessive apricots. Consumption of 50-60 apricot kernels can be a dose of cyanide. So, it will be good to have a moderate amount to get rid of side effects.

Color, size, and taste may vary. Apricots have many varieties like Gold bar apricot, Tilton apricot, Blenheim apricot, Tomcat apricot, etc. However, frozen or canned apricots are not less nutritious.

Is apricot keto friendly? Well, it might not be a great choice on a ketogenic diet. But if you really like apricots a lot then you need to calculate and adjust your daily carb intake. Still, it is low in calories and carbs, so you can have a minimal portion. After all, we can not underestimate the various health benefits of apricots.

Hey there. I am a registered doctor and founder of this site. The main goal of this site is to help individuals with good food habits, diet, and nutrition. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, exploring different food recipes and diets.

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